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Club Cycliste Beaconsfield

Fellow CCB Members,

I am happy to announce that after seeing the good turnouts of our first two Sunday Rides ofJune 28 and July 5, CCB will now ,subject to adherence to the government health guidelines:

  • Continue holding Sunday rides for the rest of the season
  • Resume organizing Wednesday morning rides beginning July 15
  • Resume Informal Saturday morning rides from the Colisee beginning July 11
  • Resume Informal Tuesday/Thursday evening rides from Macdonald Campus beginning July 14.

As usual, you will see these rides posted on the CCB website calendar.  For now, we are only posting the rides for the following week.  The rest will be added later.

These rides are only open to CCB members who have accepted the CCB Covid-19 waiver (indicated by a green check-mark on their membership card). That waiver also lists how the new guidelines apply to CCB. These guidelines must be respected.

Be ready to show your membership card at the beginning of any ride. Here again is the link to instructions of how to display/print your membership card and how to read and accept the waiver.

Please register for the rides which you wish to attend.  Registration usually opens about a week before the scheduled ride.  Remember that on the CCB event page for a particular ride, you can activate a display of who else has registered.  Also remember that CCB added to your first name the number that your membership profile lists as your average speed.  Use that to see who else in the registration list might be cycling in your speed group.

I very much enjoyed seeing the different speed groups ride off at the start of the previous two Sunday rides.  What I saw is the essence of our club...members who love to ride and are happy to ride with each other (even with these new constraints).  That confirmed to me that the season should continue.  I also want to say that I respect the decisions of members who consider these club rides to be too high-risk to their own personal health, and hope that  these health risks/constraints that we have around us steadily diminish as soon as possible.

Jan Wilk
Président CCB


Club Cycliste Beaconsfield  PO Box 40503 Kirkland PO, Kirkland, QC H9H 5G8

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